Services Apartamentos Turísticos Flor da Rocha

Stay at the Flor da Rocha Apartments and feel like you were at your own home thanks at the wide variety of services of the establishment, like a 24h reception. Have a drink or snack at our bar next to the outdoor pools and have a sunbath on our terrace.

In the resort of Flor da Rocha you will also have a transfer service to the airport and you will be able to rent a car or a bicycle. Besides, among all our facilities, you will find a tennis court and a game room will pool and table tennis.


Hotel Services

  • WiFi internet connection;
  • Satellite / cable TV;
  • Rooms adapted for the disabled people;
  • Transfer to the Airport;
  • Vehicle rental;
  • Safe box;
  • Outdoor terrace;
  • Playroom;
  • Outdoor Pools.
  • Bicycle rental.
  • Tennis court.


Follow Us


Sitio dos Castelos, 8500-801 Praia
da Rocha - Portimão (Portugal)
+351 282 400 300
(Call to the national phone network)
+351 282 400 309
(Call to the national phone network)
RNET Registo nº 424

GPS: 37.121166, -8.545282
CRESC Algarve 2020
©2024 Apartamentos Turísticos Flor da Rocha
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